Sunday, December 29, 2019

Steve Jobs is The Man - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1200 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/07/29 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: Steve Jobs Essay Did you like this example? Steve Jobs is the man who changed the style of personal computers from traditional computers to modern computers by using new devices and tools. In addition, Steve Jobs is the co-founder of Apple company and one of the main creators of Macintosh. This essay will discuss different areas in Jobs history like his birth, childhood, education, as well as the first job he got after dropping out of college, how he created Apple, and finally health issues and death. Isaacson (2011, P1-3) states that Steve Jobs was born on the 24th February, 1955 in San Francisco. The biological parents of Jobs are Abdullfattah Jandali and Joanne Shieble (Isaacson, 2011). his parents met each other when they were studying at Wisconsin university. Additionally, the father is from Syria and the mother is from Germany (Isaacson, 2011). They fell in love, and they made a relationship. As a young couple, despite the fact that they were not married, and they were only 20 something, getting a child was difficult for them. Also, it is shameful for her to be a single mother. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Steve Jobs is The Man" essay for you Create order She did not want her family to know about her pregnancy. Moreover, her father did not want her to get married to Jandali. For these reasons, she decided to travel to San Francisco in order to offer her child for adoption. Furthermore, she wanted her kid to be adopted by a Catholic and educated family. Unfortunately, her child was adopted by another family which was Paul Jobs and his wife Clara. Jobs family neither of them was a college graduate. Joanne refused to sign the documents for the adoption, but the jobs family promised her to educate her son and to send him to a great university. After that, she accepted the agreement and she signed the adoption paper. Jobs family named their adopted kid Steve Paul Jobs (Isaacson, 2011). Isaacson (2011, P11-31) states that Steve started learning in an early age when he was around 2 years old. Clara taught him how to read and write before he started his first school. Also, he learned about mechanism from his father. His father taught him the difference between some tools and how to use them. Moreover, Steve sometimes helped his father when he wanted to build fence; his age was around 10 years old (Wikipedia, 2018). He became a friend with some engineers in electronics who were not the same age as his (Wikipedia, 2018). However, his behaviours changed a little bit at school when he met some bad friends who he tried to follow their steps. Fortunately, his teacher in the 4th grade tried to keep him learning. Steve said ?she bribed me into learning. She would say I really want you to finish this workbook I will give you 5 bucks if you finish it. From this situation Steve learned a lot of things because it helped him to jump to other grads. However, his family did not want him to do that (Biography, 2014). Jobs spent around 2 years at university. He did not find it interesting as he thought. Steve was interested only in electronic things. He found university the opposite to his dreams, and he knew that university would not help him in his future (Dodds, 2018). He decided to stop going to university and to find a job. In contrast, his family had been saving money for many years in order to make their son continue his studies and occupy a good place at university. Additionally, they had been promising his biological mother to send her son to university. When they sent him to university, they tried after that to visit him at the campus, but he refused to meet them and to talk to them because he did not want to be sent to university in the first place (Isaacson, 2011). At university, Steve Jobs was attending courses about calligraphy, where he was studying how to design things, before he finally dropped out of school. In 1973, (Wikipedia, 2018) states that, after the university, Jobs turned back to his family in San Francisco in order to get a job. Fortunately, Steve Jobs found that Steve Wozniak had designed a video game, and Steve Jobs took the design and sold it to Atari. From that design, he got a job as a technician at Atari. After that, he travelled to India for a short time and tuned back to start with Wozniak in designing machines and sales them to Atari (Isaacson, 2011) (Wikipedia, 2018). Although Steve got a job, he faced many drawbacks at the company; one of his obstacles was because the company did not want ungraduated student. Second, he was a genius and that caused many problems with the workers at Atari. Finally, he decided with his friend to open a new business in order to be free and separated from any company. In 1976 they designed Apple computers, and the technological revolution, that happened at the end of 19s in Europe, forced both Steve Jobs and Wozniak to create and design new devices instead of old devices (Vital, 2014). They used Jobs garage as an office for their new company. In 1985, Jobs left Appel company and began his own company called NEXT, Inc. Then he sold it to Apple and returned to his previous company Appel in 1997 as the CEO. Jobs was known as genius and hard worker. Appel company was advanced by Jobs to reach the highest rank among hundreds companies (Biography, 2014). In 2003, the medical analyses showed that Jobs had a pancreatic cancer, but he chose to hide it in order to avoid making troubles to his company (Biography, 2014). After a year, he did a successful surgery and removed the disease. In 2009, the press started talking about Jobs health. Later on, Jobs took a vacation and began doing his job by just emailing the employees, but in reality it was not just a vacation it was a medical leave (Biography, 2014) (Wikipedia, 2018). Steve got some advice by doctors about some medicaments but he refused to use them that why the level of cancer increased (Swaine, 2011). When he knew that his health decreased, he regretted and sent messages to his fans telling them about his situation. Although he could not continue his job as a CEO at Apple, he loved the company and stuff. However, the Vice President was appointed instead of Steve Jobs to lead the company (Swaine, 2011) (Wikipedia, 2018) (Biography, 2014). Steve spent 8 years fighting his cancer. Additionally, he tried at the beginning to cure himself with juice fruit and some medicaments that he found on the Internet. Steve died in his house in California in 2011 (Swaine, 2011) (Wikipedia, 2018). That was the end of Apples CEO and one of the Apples co-founders. The Apple company spent six days closing the company as respect to his death. As a summary, Steve Jobs had a massive history started with his adoption, childhood, education, his life after college, the way he started his first job and stablished the Apple company, and finally, his death. Despite the fact that he left the college earlier, he achieved many goals in his life. Moreover, he helped in the advancement of the world from the old style to the modernity by using efficient devices and functional smart phones. Steve Jobs died leaving after him a legacy that would never disappear.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay about Women in the Workforce - 1679 Words

The sight of a working woman today is not something that causes one to look twice. However, this was not always the case. It was a long struggle for women to get to where they are today, and there is still a long way to go. There were a few momentous occasions throughout history that caused a shift in the way women were viewed as workers, such as the need for workers during World War II, the Equal Pay Act, and the appointment of Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court. Women have made great strides in integrating themselves into the workforce alongside men and continue to do so today. Throughout much of history, women have been viewed as inferior to men. In the 1800s and early 1900s, women were not allowed to hold the same jobs or†¦show more content†¦With the advent of protests one would think that rights would come quickly to prevent violence and more uprisings. Sadly, this was not the case. Women’s rights were slow to come and it would still be many years before they achieved even a semblance of equality to men. In the 1920s women became more independent and started to slowly gain rights (â€Å"Women of the Century†). Women’s suffrage was finally granted in 1920, which was a huge step towards equality for men and women. For the first time, women were able to vote on issues that mattered to them, which was extremely important in order to gain more rights. In 1923, the Equal Rights Amendment was first introduced, although it would not be passed in Congress until almost fifty years later. Despite these steps of progress, the Great Depression caused some setbacks. Due to the large numbers of unemployment, women were discouraged from â€Å"taking jobs† away from men (â€Å"Women of the Century). Some states even went so far as to pass laws prohibiting the hiring of women. World War II began quickly after this which greatly increased the number of women in the work force. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Organizational Culture Values and Behaviors

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Culture Values and Behaviors. Answer: Introduction: Organizational culture includes values and behaviors that help in building the social and psychological environment of an organization. Culture of any organization includes the expectations of organization, experience, philosophy and values that keep the organization together, and this can be evaluate by the image of organization in outside world. Any organizational culture is depending on the attitude, beliefs, and customs that were developed with time. Organizational culture is that way through which members of the organization relate with each other, with their work or with outside world. Following are the factors which define organization culture: The way in which organization conducts its business, how organization treats its employees, customers and community. Freedom available for making decisions in organization, developing new and creative ideas, and express personal views. Flow of information through the hierarchy of organization. Commitment of employees towards the collective objective of an organization (ITIM, n.d.). The police department of UAE is the most progressive and forward thinking department. Department comprise almost 15000 officers who have high education standards. In UAE, the Federal Ministry of Interior (Ministry of Interior) controls the police general directorates in all of the 7 emirates. Police general directorates of each emirate maintain the police department of their own emirates, and supervise police stations (UAE, n.d.). The main aim of police department in UAE is to prevent the orders and crimes, and protect the human rights of the citizens of UAE. Police departments main aim is to protect the dignity and integrity of human being from Arbitrary or Unlawful Deprivation of Life, Disappearance, and from other inhuman behavior. The main of values of police department in UAE are: Integrity and honesty: police department of UAE focus on maintaining the integrity and honesty of the department, and also focus on preventing the human rights. Justice: police department of UAE always give fair services, and equal treatment to all segments of society. Professionalism: police department of UAE commit to perform all the duties, and also provide services by following the relevant standards set up by the government of UAE. Effective Communication: police department of UAE ensures effective communication with the public and private sectors to achieve the set objectives and goals. Excellence: police department of UAE promise to achieve excellence in all their works, and also ensures that their all activities are carried out in efficient and effective way and recognize their achievements (Abu Dhabi Police GHQ, n.d.). Organization culture means relation of organization with outside world, and in this the basic factor of relation with outside world is trust and honesty. Therefore, it is clear from the values and principles of police department in UAE that their organization culture is depend on the values and principles they define. In UAE, we can clearly see the unity between the UAE emirates because of which UAE people feels proud. However this unity is represented through six national symbols and emblems. Organization culture of police department gets their strength from these two symbols that are: UAE Flag: The most common symbol of seven emirates is national flag of UAE. The colors of the flag are not chosen randomly but they represent the different traits of the country. The colors green, white, red and black are the colors which represent unity between the Arabs, and they are the Pan-Arab colors. White color of the UAE flag represents peace and purity, green color represents Prosperity and success, red color shows sacrifice and power, and whereas black shows dignity and authority. All the traits shown by the flag of UAE are also the basic values of police department of UAE whether directly or indirectly. People of UAE treat their flag with honor, and respect their flag like any other nations do. Police department of UAE develop the same objectives as conveyed by the colors of UAE (Gulf News, 2016). Falcon: one of the most pastimes in UAE is falconry, and during the Arabic history it played a huge part because of which this bird is recognized as national bird. This bird symbolizes strength, courage, pride, grace, and force. Therefore we can say that symbols of this bird also strengthen the culture of police department of UAE. Oryx: as police department of UAE is the symbol of strength pride and dignity, the color of oryx shows these same symbols that is bold white color. For the people of UAE Arabian Oryx are of great pride, and these Arabian Oryx are known for its whiteness and cleanliness (Gulf News, 2016). References: ITIM, Organizational Culture, Retrieved on 28th October 2016 from: UAE, Respect for Human Rights, Retrieved on 28th October 2016 from: Abu Dhabi Police GHQ, Values, Retrieved on 28th October 2016 from: Gulf news, (2016),What does the UAE flag mean, Retrieved on 28th October 2016 from: Gulf news, (2016), the 6 UAE national symbols, Retrieved on 28th October 2016 from: