Thursday, January 30, 2020

Anti Social Personality Disorder Essay Example for Free

Anti Social Personality Disorder Essay During class, a student comes up to a teacher and suddenly pulls a gun to his head. He orders the teacher to strip down. Once the teacher was completely nude, the student aimed at his testicles and pulled the trigger. When everyone realized there were no bullets in the gun, the student alone laughs (Maxmen et al., 1994). People such as this student suffer of antisocial personality disorder. Obviously, it is not simply a disorder that defines the lonely kid in the corner who has no interest in speaking with others, or the social retard that laughs when it is inappropriate. This disorder is dangerous to others because people affected from ASPD are narcissistic and fend for themselves. People of all walks of life can suffer from this disorder, which affects a significant proportion of the population. There are psychosocial and genetic factors to ASPD. The best-shot psychologists have at treating these people, is targeting these psychosocial and genetic factors. This paper aims to investigate the general psycho aspects in ASPD Symptoms and Diagnosis  Maxmen and colleagues (1994) claim that people affected by antisocial personality disorder are generally disrespectful and violate the rights of others. Liu and colleagues (2012) add that family violence is common around ASPD. Moreover, sexual relations are nothing more than self-beneficial. Their selfish sexual desires often lead to the transmission of venereal disease (Maxmen et al., 1994). Here is the DSM criteria for ASPD: A. There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15, as indicated by three (or more) of the following: 1. Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest. 2. Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure. 3. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead. 4. Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults. 5. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others. 6. Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations. 7. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another. B. The individual is at least age 18 years of age.  C. There is evidence of Conduct Disorder with onset before age 15. D. The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia or a manic episode. (DSM-IV, 1994) Lack of stimulation and avoidance of boredom explains common symptoms among ASPD, including why they usually have several years of poor job performance, and are forced to change jobs many times. Swann and collegues (2010) add that ASPD mixed with bipolar disorder worsens impulsive symptoms and the course of the illness often speeds up (Maxmen et al., 1994). A fascinating aspect about ASPD, is their psychopathic symptoms. Although they can display normal human emotions such as charm and love, they do not actually feel the depth of those emotions. This even includes emotions such as hate. Some even lack consciousness  otherwise known as superego lacunae. As a result, their relationships are usually narcissistic ones that generally do not tend to last long (Maxmen et al., 1994). Unfortunately, ASPD have shorter life expectancies. Many die of violent related events such as fights and murders. As previously mentioned, their sexually transmitted diseases also sometimes weigh into their shorter life expectancies. ASPD is often linked with alcoholism and depression. They suffer of a 5 % suicide rate. As such extreme low points of ASPD, some may seek treatment (Maxmen et al., 1994). However, Perry and colleagues (2013) studied how another consistent symptom prevents many ASPD from seeking treatment. He studied immature defence mechanisms used by ASPD. Among them are omnipotence, devaluation and denial against experience of self of awareness. They create split off self-images, whereby they perceive differently than how they would be perceived by others. Indeed, they are aware of their actions, but create a different self-image to justify their actions. Their omnipotence has an important role in devaluing the opinions and perceptions of others, which strengthens their flawed image (Perry et al., 2013). Prevalence and incidence Studies claim that ASPD affects a significant proportion of the population. The percentage is as high as 5.4 % of males and 1.2 % of women. Amongst the Psychiatric population: 5-15% of males and 1-3 % of females. ASPD is most prevalent amongst lower socioeconomic groups (Maxmen et al., 1994). Etiology Maxmen and colleagues (1994) believe psychosocial factors are the main cause for occasional ASPD. However, consistent ASPD deal with an additional factor of genetics. Firstly, amongst sociological factors is poverty. Regardless of the high proportion of prevalence of ASPD amongst lower socioeconomic groups, poverty is not the sole cause. More importantly, the majority of poor people do not become sociopaths. Familial factors have been considered. Growing up amongst a violent family may lead to the development of ASPD in the children. Shi and colleagues (2012) add the quality of early childcare is a predictor of ASPD. They discovered that behaviours such as motherly silent interaction or withdrawals and no greetings were indicators that provoked the development of ASPD (Maxmen et al., 1994). Basolu and colleagues (2011) reinforced the genealogical case by linking ASPD to a special kind of gene. It is synaptosomal-associate protein 25 (SNAP25) gene polymorphisms. When this gene, linked with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and personality, was tested to find links with other disorders, researchers found a connection to ASPD. This means there is a genealogical factor to ASPD (Basolu et al., 2011). Treatment Unfortunately, before diving into the treatment, all sources burst any bubble of hope to cure ASPD since it is difficult to treat. As discussed in the symptoms, ASPD rely on the immature defence mechanisms to carry on their lifestyles. Before they receive treatment, ASPD must want to seek help, which is easier said than done since they have justified their actions most of their life. Nevertheless, many burn out due to their narcissistic life styles,  and seek treatment. Psychotherapy has not usually helped. Therapists have to deal with ASPD’s Ego Syntonic behaviour. ASPD justify their behaviour and resent authority including the therapist. Therapists’ strategies involve the â€Å"Tough Love†: A method that involves showing care but not letting the subject view himself as vulnerable for the ASPD to capitalize on the psychologist’s perceived weakness. If the patient is on trial at the same time as he is in therapy, counselling must not influence the sentence so that therapy remains constructive and not manipulative. ASPD should also reduce substance abuse, which can increase the symptoms if used (Maxmen et al., 1994). The key treatment lies within prevention. If the condition gets detected early enough, therapist and the family can increase the chances of cure or prevention. Family counselling is rather important because they learn how to deal with their manipulated emotions from hate to guilt. Common sense and guidelines can help. Shia and colleagues (2012) add that targeting motherly behaviour in crucial areas that can reduce risk of ASPD (Maxmen et al., 1994). ASPD is a dangerous disorder. People can be manipulated by ASPD as they can act like a normal individual. They often carry sexual diseases from their multiple sexual relations caused by their lack of stimulation. They live this life protected by their childish defence mechanisms. ASPD affect a significant part of the population: up to 5 % in males. Psychosocial and genetics factor into the etiology of the disorder. Finally, the key treatment of this difficult disorder lies in the prevention and early detection. As research of ASPD improves, treatments will be the primary focus of therapists.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Capital Punishment Essay -- Crime Jail Death Penalty Essays

Capital Punishment Throughout the history of man, the penalty of death was given to criminals who broke the law. Capital Punishment is the extreme penalty for crime (Compton's) and is still in use today in many countries. A criminal can be sentenced to death for various crimes. Even more were the methods used to execute, many being cruel and unusual. There have been many debates on whether or not to abolish the death penalty. There are many pros and cons to this complicated issue. Capital Punishment is in use for many reasons and has been enforced in numerous ways throughout the years. The condemned prisoner on death row may have broken the law, but does that give us the right to take the life of another human being?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Why have we used the death penalty? The death sentence permanently removes law-breakers from our society and "prevents the executed criminal from continuing his criminal career (Hollywood Studio)." We kill in desperate hopes that these killers and rapists will not be able to strike again, murdering or raping more innocent victims. In many cases, the criminal has broken the law, but if he is let off easily and slips through the system, he may go out and commit the crime again and again. The death penalty is the ultimate punishment; it gets the point through and teaches the lesson that society will not put up with the people who break the law. It is a very real punishment and leaves no room for rehabilitation of the criminal. Repeat offenders must be kept from breaking the law once more. They have had their chances to repent and reform. The only other way to stop repeat offenders is to merely eliminate them (Electric Chair). Why not just sentence them to life impris onment? Life imprisonment just isn't as effective as the Death Penalty because it is not as severe and harsh (KSCOffices). Life imprisonment is soft and only succeeds in removing the criminal for a certain amount of time. Life imprisonment is also very expensive. The criminal who broke the law should not be allowed to mooch money off the system, receiving heating, clothing, in-door plumbing, and three meals a day, whilst a homeless person has nothing and has not harmed anyone. It costs roughly $30,000 each year to keep an inmate in jail, and many people do not feel it's worth their money to keep Capital offense criminals alive. We use the death penalty to teach a lesson t... ...Penalty and the Disadvantaged. Wisconsin: Gary E. McCuen Publications, Inc., 1997. McCuen, Gary E., and R.A. Baumgart. Reviving the Death Penalty. Wisconsin: Gary E. McCuen Publications, Inc., 1985. Isenberg, Irwin. The Reference Shelf: The Death Penalty. New York: H.W.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wilson Company, 1977. Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia. Compton's NewMedia, Inc., 1994. Webster's Concise Encyclopedia. Sofsource, Inc., 1996. Clark, Richard. "Some Thoughts on the Death Penalty." [Online] Available UK/homepage.html, May 14, 1998. No Author. "The Electric Chair." [Online] Available May 8, 1998. No Author. "Methods of Execution." [Online] Available, May 8, 1998. Dieter, Richard C.. "Capital Punishments in the Past: Capital Punishments." [Online] Available, July, 1998. McNamara, Colleen. "Capital Punishment" [Online] Available Keene State College Upward Bound, 1997.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Course Project

I have been In my current career field since approximately 1986. At that time, I was employed by a local county In Utah. The Job entailed helping juveniles who were being transitioned from their residential level of care to a higher level of care and vice versa. This was a standard government job that had a 9 to 5 work schedule with traditional benefits, I often think back to if I stayed there I would have retired by now.At the time, I was attending undergraduate school at the university of Utah. I had actually obtained this Job through the university. I continued to work in these types of low paying positions until my current move to Colorado Springs in 2002. The first job here was at an agency that was also a traditional type with traditional benefits and schedule. It did not pay too well and it was very demanding on me emotionally. After understanding how the agency was being paid by referral agency's I got an idea.This idea was that could contract for the service from particular agencies and an independent contractor. I could underbid the other agencies as well as receive almost 3 times as much pay. However, this would not Include benefits or have Income taxes removed. After I discussed this with my wife I decided to pursue this type of employment. I had already established my reputation In the community as a successful counselor. My specialty was working with teenagers who were struggling Witt their parent's and/or â€Å"at rise teenagers. I was able to obtain my in counseling as well.It seemed all was well for about 8 years. Problem Statement Masters degree In 2008, the economy went down and I lost a lot of my referrals as agency's started to ND services to meet their overdrawn budgets. I lost our house and had to rent. A colleague and I decided to combine contracts with some referral agencies and began to collaborate. We created a private practice as well. This has been very successful until recently when I was informed that some referral agencies were beginning to scrutinize the referral process to reduce services and meet budget demands.Again, referrals were reduced dramatically. I am at a decision making point whether to remain in this type of business or seek employment as a traditional worker for a government agency. I am 48 years old now. I am considering a career change. I am at a point in my life where I am thinking about retirement and having a Job that will be stable financially and provide necessary medical benefits as I am getting older and my health is starting to deteriorate. What is the general nature of the problem?My decision problem is deciding whether to quit my current employment as a private practice therapist and take a Job that will include traditional hours and benefits that my current employment does not have while continuing to be a therapist. What event triggered the situation? I was informed by a money manager accountant that I may not be receiving payment for a large piece of my billing for a particul ar month of service I provided. The reason given was that the referral agency had not paid the money manager. Are we imposing any constraints on the situation?I would not be able to change my employment until I am hired by a â€Å"traditional† employer. The higher paying â€Å"stable† employers are located 50 miles away so I will have to move. What are the underlying elements of the problem? Financial stability – I would like to have an employer that can meet a stability acquirement of being a position that will not be likely to end due too budget cut. Benefits – I would like to be in a position with medical benefits, retirement, and profit sharing. Continue to provide therapy- I would like to continue to be a therapist as I enjoy my career and feel I can still provide healing. Ђ Having to move 50+ miles away. Changing a comfort zone of being independent-This will probably be the most difficult of this position change. I can make or change my schedule at a moments notice. This allows me to be available for my family. Involving my family in the verbal decision and the impact on them. I cannot make this change without confiding in my family as the outcome will have an impact on their lives as well. Are there dependencies on other decisions? I have an established rapport in this community and have gained a large referral base because to this.This will help me to obtain a position in my career titled have current clients who will not be receiving a continuation of my intervention. My clients have become used to my service which is unique to me. I have a great attachment to being an independent contractor with all of the self-sufficient privileges. Objectives Statement I would like to make a decision on the direction of my long term career. This should be self-fulfilling and satisfying in a position that satisfies my career goals and financial goals.This should allow for personal growth, financial growth and the ability to provide a therapeutic service to clients that promotes long term success in their specific therapeutic needs. I want to be in a position that will be working towards retirement. I also want a position that will also provide health benefits. Fundamental Objectives fundamental objectives are to obtain a position that will be stable financially and be bled to provide benefits for medical and retirement. My meaner objectives are objectives that will help me obtain my fundamental objectives.I will determine which options that I have and what my overall cost financially and for my overall career will Alternatives After researching what my objectives are and determining my meaner objectives, I have found that I have three alternatives: Remain at my current agency where I have no benefits but I have independence in my schedule and direction of therapeutic service I provide to my clients. I am my own boss and am responsible for he hours I need to meet my personal financial demands. I will be able to r emain in my current location.I could move from within the city to a residence where there is more demand for my therapeutic service. My wife would not need to eventually change her Job if I stay with this position. Seek a position with a government agency where I can continue to be a therapist and provide a consistent intervention to meet client's therapeutic needs. This will have medical benefits and a plan for retirement. I would have a supervisor who will determine my financial growth. This session will require a movement approximately 50 miles away. I have a brother and sister who would be residing closer to me if I move.My wife could potentially keep her employment but transfer. She could potentially earn a position that would be better financially. She may have to change her current career if she cannot transfer. Seek a position with an agency that is not a government agency but I will need to cater the intervention to the specific clientele and adhere to the agency's specific intervention.. I would have a supervisor who will determine my financial growth. This position will provide medical benefits a retirement plan and potential for profit sharing. This would also require me to move approximately 50 miles away.I have decided that I would not like t compete with my current agency. This position will impact my wife similarly to the second alternative position. Selection As part of this process of selection I asked myself the following questions: Will I become bored with the position? I will be at this Job everyday and must come to the realization that I must be able to keep interested to avoid becoming bored. It the session one I will look forward to everyday? I currently enjoy my current Job. I feel at times at I TN t is not a Job but more to a rewarding elite to providing healing to others in need. ЂCan I see myself at this Job at a retirement age? I want to be able to visualize walking out the door with a great feeling rather than a feeling that i s cynical. Am I taking this position because I have to or want to? I do not want to make a decision that If I don't need to I won't. I have made decisions in the past that I regretted because I should have been focused on other priorities. Descriptions of Alternatives- My change decision have three alternatives that I need to determine what I must decide. They involve the actual decision making process and consequence.Alternative A- I make no changes and stay in current role, current pay and benefits. This has some risk but less that the other alternatives because I am aware of what I currently have. Alternative B- I will work in my role until I have the capital to move slowly. This alternative adds practicality to my decision. I currently cannot afford to move. I have estimated that it would cost approximately $5000 to eve from my location to Denver which is where I would need to move. This has more risk that alternative A but less than alternative C. Alternative C- If I move now w hich entails more risk financially.I could obtain a better position. I could reside closer to family siblings. I could potentially earn a higher salary. I could earn benefits. This would also give me weekends off and be home after pm every day. Consequences I ranked the alternative according to the potential risks. Alternative A had the least risk ( appendix A). Then I scored the financial cost (5 points), the lowest potential rate of redo (2 points), looking forward everyday (2 points), potential for retirement (2 points) and is the position want or a need (2 points) (Appendix B).If I were to use the additional factors, I could conclude to choose Alternative B. I could do this and if the economy was to improve and there was not a need for change other than a want for retirement. I have also determined that I could also potentially increase my referral base and meeting my temperamental objective. Conclusion The theory of rational choice making assumes that the relative favorite betw een two options does not depend on the presence of other options (Taverns and Simonton 1993).I have made decisions in the past without using a rational tool or additional meaner that can help without using emotions that were impulsive. In other words, rational choices satisfy the independence of irrelevant alternatives (IA) assumption Luck 1959). There are times that we are driven by emotions to make a decision that will have a impact that can affect our lives but have irrelevant consequences especially if we deduce that a fundamental objective is not connected in a long term decision.I feel that both career and mental health counseling skills are necessary to assist with the emotions of fear, anxiety, depression and self-doubt, as well as with career formation change, decision making, and implementation of a career change (Niles ; Harris-Bowlines, 2009). Elf we do not address these areas specifically as well urine this process of making a choice such as mine there could be addition al long term consequences. As I have stated in previous sections, I will remain at my current position. Course Project I have been In my current career field since approximately 1986. At that time, I was employed by a local county In Utah. The Job entailed helping juveniles who were being transitioned from their residential level of care to a higher level of care and vice versa. This was a standard government job that had a 9 to 5 work schedule with traditional benefits, I often think back to if I stayed there I would have retired by now.At the time, I was attending undergraduate school at the university of Utah. I had actually obtained this Job through the university. I continued to work in these types of low paying positions until my current move to Colorado Springs in 2002. The first job here was at an agency that was also a traditional type with traditional benefits and schedule. It did not pay too well and it was very demanding on me emotionally. After understanding how the agency was being paid by referral agency's I got an idea.This idea was that could contract for the service from particular agencies and an independent contractor. I could underbid the other agencies as well as receive almost 3 times as much pay. However, this would not Include benefits or have Income taxes removed. After I discussed this with my wife I decided to pursue this type of employment. I had already established my reputation In the community as a successful counselor. My specialty was working with teenagers who were struggling Witt their parent's and/or â€Å"at rise teenagers. I was able to obtain my in counseling as well.It seemed all was well for about 8 years. Problem Statement Masters degree In 2008, the economy went down and I lost a lot of my referrals as agency's started to ND services to meet their overdrawn budgets. I lost our house and had to rent. A colleague and I decided to combine contracts with some referral agencies and began to collaborate. We created a private practice as well. This has been very successful until recently when I was informed that some referral agencies were beginning to scrutinize the referral process to reduce services and meet budget demands.Again, referrals were reduced dramatically. I am at a decision making point whether to remain in this type of business or seek employment as a traditional worker for a government agency. I am 48 years old now. I am considering a career change. I am at a point in my life where I am thinking about retirement and having a Job that will be stable financially and provide necessary medical benefits as I am getting older and my health is starting to deteriorate. What is the general nature of the problem?My decision problem is deciding whether to quit my current employment as a private practice therapist and take a Job that will include traditional hours and benefits that my current employment does not have while continuing to be a therapist. What event triggered the situation? I was informed by a money manager accountant that I may not be receiving payment for a large piece of my billing for a particul ar month of service I provided. The reason given was that the referral agency had not paid the money manager. Are we imposing any constraints on the situation?I would not be able to change my employment until I am hired by a â€Å"traditional† employer. The higher paying â€Å"stable† employers are located 50 miles away so I will have to move. What are the underlying elements of the problem? Financial stability – I would like to have an employer that can meet a stability acquirement of being a position that will not be likely to end due too budget cut. Benefits – I would like to be in a position with medical benefits, retirement, and profit sharing. Continue to provide therapy- I would like to continue to be a therapist as I enjoy my career and feel I can still provide healing. Ђ Having to move 50+ miles away. Changing a comfort zone of being independent-This will probably be the most difficult of this position change. I can make or change my schedule at a moments notice. This allows me to be available for my family. Involving my family in the verbal decision and the impact on them. I cannot make this change without confiding in my family as the outcome will have an impact on their lives as well. Are there dependencies on other decisions? I have an established rapport in this community and have gained a large referral base because to this.This will help me to obtain a position in my career titled have current clients who will not be receiving a continuation of my intervention. My clients have become used to my service which is unique to me. I have a great attachment to being an independent contractor with all of the self-sufficient privileges. Objectives Statement I would like to make a decision on the direction of my long term career. This should be self-fulfilling and satisfying in a position that satisfies my career goals and financial goals.This should allow for personal growth, financial growth and the ability to provide a therapeutic service to clients that promotes long term success in their specific therapeutic needs. I want to be in a position that will be working towards retirement. I also want a position that will also provide health benefits. Fundamental Objectives fundamental objectives are to obtain a position that will be stable financially and be bled to provide benefits for medical and retirement. My meaner objectives are objectives that will help me obtain my fundamental objectives.I will determine which options that I have and what my overall cost financially and for my overall career will Alternatives After researching what my objectives are and determining my meaner objectives, I have found that I have three alternatives: Remain at my current agency where I have no benefits but I have independence in my schedule and direction of therapeutic service I provide to my clients. I am my own boss and am responsible for he hours I need to meet my personal financial demands. I will be able to r emain in my current location.I could move from within the city to a residence where there is more demand for my therapeutic service. My wife would not need to eventually change her Job if I stay with this position. Seek a position with a government agency where I can continue to be a therapist and provide a consistent intervention to meet client's therapeutic needs. This will have medical benefits and a plan for retirement. I would have a supervisor who will determine my financial growth. This session will require a movement approximately 50 miles away. I have a brother and sister who would be residing closer to me if I move.My wife could potentially keep her employment but transfer. She could potentially earn a position that would be better financially. She may have to change her current career if she cannot transfer. Seek a position with an agency that is not a government agency but I will need to cater the intervention to the specific clientele and adhere to the agency's specific intervention.. I would have a supervisor who will determine my financial growth. This position will provide medical benefits a retirement plan and potential for profit sharing. This would also require me to move approximately 50 miles away.I have decided that I would not like t compete with my current agency. This position will impact my wife similarly to the second alternative position. Selection As part of this process of selection I asked myself the following questions: Will I become bored with the position? I will be at this Job everyday and must come to the realization that I must be able to keep interested to avoid becoming bored. It the session one I will look forward to everyday? I currently enjoy my current Job. I feel at times at I TN t is not a Job but more to a rewarding elite to providing healing to others in need. ЂCan I see myself at this Job at a retirement age? I want to be able to visualize walking out the door with a great feeling rather than a feeling that i s cynical. Am I taking this position because I have to or want to? I do not want to make a decision that If I don't need to I won't. I have made decisions in the past that I regretted because I should have been focused on other priorities. Descriptions of Alternatives- My change decision have three alternatives that I need to determine what I must decide. They involve the actual decision making process and consequence.Alternative A- I make no changes and stay in current role, current pay and benefits. This has some risk but less that the other alternatives because I am aware of what I currently have. Alternative B- I will work in my role until I have the capital to move slowly. This alternative adds practicality to my decision. I currently cannot afford to move. I have estimated that it would cost approximately $5000 to eve from my location to Denver which is where I would need to move. This has more risk that alternative A but less than alternative C. Alternative C- If I move now w hich entails more risk financially.I could obtain a better position. I could reside closer to family siblings. I could potentially earn a higher salary. I could earn benefits. This would also give me weekends off and be home after pm every day. Consequences I ranked the alternative according to the potential risks. Alternative A had the least risk ( appendix A). Then I scored the financial cost (5 points), the lowest potential rate of redo (2 points), looking forward everyday (2 points), potential for retirement (2 points) and is the position want or a need (2 points) (Appendix B).If I were to use the additional factors, I could conclude to choose Alternative B. I could do this and if the economy was to improve and there was not a need for change other than a want for retirement. I have also determined that I could also potentially increase my referral base and meeting my temperamental objective. Conclusion The theory of rational choice making assumes that the relative favorite betw een two options does not depend on the presence of other options (Taverns and Simonton 1993).I have made decisions in the past without using a rational tool or additional meaner that can help without using emotions that were impulsive. In other words, rational choices satisfy the independence of irrelevant alternatives (IA) assumption Luck 1959). There are times that we are driven by emotions to make a decision that will have a impact that can affect our lives but have irrelevant consequences especially if we deduce that a fundamental objective is not connected in a long term decision.I feel that both career and mental health counseling skills are necessary to assist with the emotions of fear, anxiety, depression and self-doubt, as well as with career formation change, decision making, and implementation of a career change (Niles ; Harris-Bowlines, 2009). Elf we do not address these areas specifically as well urine this process of making a choice such as mine there could be addition al long term consequences. As I have stated in previous sections, I will remain at my current position.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Racial Discrimination On Minority Groups - 1498 Words

Practically, every country in the universe has a minority populace that can be either national, ethnic, linguistic, or a religious group. Minority concerns have been on the itinerary of the United Nations for more than half a century. In 1948, the General Assembly asserted that the United Nations could not remain detached to the providence of minorities. That explicates why the 2005 World Summit Outcome reaffirmed the rights of minorities and advocacy to the efforts of the United Nations (Zanden and James 153). Does discrimination on minority groups have a basis in our daily lives? It is from that rationale that this paper will endeavor at elucidating on the motives why I think discrimination on minority groups has no grounds in our society. By venturing into various forms of prejudice, such as racial differences, gay, lesbians, transgender, and the disabled people, we will be able to understand the role these groups of people play in our society. Racial prejudice is a stealth moral and a social cancer influencing individuals and populations globally, especially racial minorities. It can be detected by the indexing of its many symptoms and visitations that comprise trepidation, parochialism, alienation, segregation, prejudice, and loathing. From a personal point of understanding, ignorance denotes the single reason racism exists worldwide. If an individual grows up doing a concrete thing, his or her entire life and everyone within their vicinity does the same thing, it mayShow MoreRelatedRacial Mixed Jurry Reforms973 Words   |  4 PagesRacial Mixed Jury Reforms [Writer’s Name] [Institute Name] Details: The Supreme Court has repeatedly asserted that a defendant is not entitled to a jury composed in whole or in part of persons of his own race. Although these rulings establish that states are not obligated to use racially mixed juries, they do not prohibit states from doing so. 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What is the common ancestral background of most members of this group? According to The Changing Racial And Ethnic Composition Of The Us Population In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the classification by race expandedRead MoreAffirmative Action : African American And Hispanic870 Words   |  4 PagesAs a minority Roberto Santiago’s essay Black and Latino reveals that even though he has been generally underrepresented by his ethnicity, he has led a successful life without affirmative action. Since Santiago was both African American and Hispanic he dealt with identity issues and stereotypes throughout his adolescent life. Even though affirmative action is supposed to make attempts to improve opportunities for groups that were historically excluded it is still a form of discrimination itself. TheRead MoreRacial Stereotypes : The Film, Crash, Director Paul Haggis1304 Words   |  6 Pagessociety are thwarted due to racial and ethnic prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination. In the film, Crash, Director Paul Haggis addresses racial inequality by conveying instances of racial stereotypes, social class disparity, and police brutality. The usage of racial stereotypes constructs an unreliable generalization of all members of a race. Racial stereotypes fail to recognize the individual differences that lie within a race. Haggis demonstrates several racial stereotypes that Asians and AfricanRead MoreThe Minority Group Patients Try To Avoid Being Associated1568 Words   |  7 PagesThe minority group patients try to avoid being associated with doctors from the dominant groups. And this situation has been continuously increasing as a perceived solution to the discrimination experienced by minority groups. The problem with this is that physicians turned out to be more focused in one race practice that may affect other patients from different race (Nayer, Hadnott, and Venable 2010). However, there are researchers who found out that same-race discrimination also exists in the healthRead MoreDiscrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination947 Words   |  4 Pages Discrimination is an action or practice that excludes disadvantages or merely differentiates between individuals on the basis of some ascribed or perceived trait. Discrimination can be caused by stereotyping and prejudice. Stereotyping is a widely fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on a reason or an actual experience. Some groups that are more likely to be discriminated against are; women, ethnic minorities